question:Pick the option in line with common sense to answer the question. Question: What could a fan watch? Options: A. football stadium B. sporting event C. bathroom D. sports stadium E. hot room
answer:Option B. sporting event.
question:Electric charge is a physical property. It occurs between particles or objects. It causes them to attract or repel each other. They do not even have to touch. This is unlike the typical push or pull you may be familiar with. All electric charge is based on the protons and electrons in atoms. A proton has a positive electric charge. An electron has a negative electric charge. Forces on Charged Objects Most atoms are balanced electrically. They have the same number of positive and negative charges. Therefore, the number of protons equals the number of electrons. Neutrons do not matter as they have no charge. When an object loses some electrons, it becomes positively charged. There are now more protons than electrons inside the atom. The lost electrons may remain free. Or, they may attach to another object. The new object now has more electrons than protons. It then becomes negatively charged. Decide whether A particle with more protons than electrons has a negative charge is a valid answer to the following question: What kind of charge does a particle with more protons than electrons have? Answer yes or no.
question:ere's a question and a few possible answers: Q: Where is the closest place you would find a potato? Possible A: ireland, kitchen cupboard, england, chicken, maryland Why is kitchen cupboard an answer aligned with human common sense?
answer:"Kitchen cupboard" is an answer aligned with human common sense because potatoes are commonly used in cooking and are often kept in kitchen cupboards or pantries for easy access.
question:Two rivers spring from the same mountain. Olt was a fast moving river, while Mures river was slow moving and deep. Both rivers are very important for the local economies. Which river didn't have a food source mostly derived from algae?
answer:It is not mentioned in the given information which river did not have a food source mostly derived from algae.