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question:You are an AI assistant. Provide a detailed answer so user don’t need to search outside to understand the answer. Formulate an answer to this elaborate question: Which came later Saturday Night Live or Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip? The answer to this question is:

answer:Saturday Night Live (SNL) came first, premiering on October 11, 1975. SNL is an American late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show created by Lorne Michaels and developed by Dick Ebersol. The show has been broadcast on NBC since its inception and has become a long-standing, iconic fixture in American television. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, on the other hand, premiered much later, on September 18, 2006. It is an American television series created and primarily written by Aaron Sorkin. The show is set behind the scenes of a fictional live sketch comedy show, similar to SNL, but it focuses primarily on the backstage production aspects and character relationships. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip aired on NBC for a single season, ending on June 28, 2007. In conclusion, Saturday Night Live came before Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, with a difference of about 31 years between their respective premieres.

question:Explain how you used the definition to come up with the answer. Instructions: In this task, you're given a statement and three sentences as choices. Your job is to determine which sentence can be inferred from the statement. Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or have details that are not mentioned in the statement. Indicate your answer as 1,2, or 3 corresponding to the choice number of the selected sentence. Input: Statement: would become, as Morris envisions it, the nation's town meeting. Choices: 1. had a lot of tools people could use to conduct meetings. 2. Morris doesn't think will be used for anything. 3. They think will become the nation's town meeting. Output:

answer:3 Explanation: The original statement says " would become, as Morris envisions it, the nation's town meeting." This means that Morris imagines or thinks that will become the nation's town meeting. Choice 3, "They think will become the nation's town meeting," correctly conveys this idea, as it states someone (they, which can be referring to Morris) thinks will become the nation's town meeting. Choices 1 and 2 do not include information from the original statement.

question:You are an AI assistant. You will be given a task. You must generate a detailed and long answer. She a political case? Translate to Czech

answer:Je to politický případ? V kontextu otázky, politický případ se může týkat různých situací, které se mohou stát ve světě politiky. Je důležité rozumět tomu, že politické případy se mohou lišit v závislosti na zemi, úrovni vlády, institucích a zúčastněných politických stranách. Obecně lze politické případy rozdělit do několika hlavních kategorií: 1. Korupční případy: Tyto politické případy se týkají případů, kdy politici nebo vládní úředníci zneužívají svou moc nebo veřejné prostředky ve svůj prospěch. Korupční případy mohou zahrnovat úplatky, nepotismus, zpronevěru, praní špinavých peněz a další podobné delikty. 2. Právní případy: Tyto případy se týkají politiků nebo vládních úředníků, kteří byli obviněni nebo stíháni za různé právní problémy, jako jsou podvody, falšování dokumentů, zneužívání pravomoci a další politicky motivované nebo související trestné činy. 3. Politické skandály: Politické skandály mohou být situace, kdy politici nebo vládní úředníci jsou podezřelí z neetických nebo kontroverzních činů či prohlášení, která mohou mít vliv na jejich veřejný obraz nebo politickou kariéru. Tyto případy mohou zahrnovat sexuální skandály, rasistické nebo diskriminační prohlášení a další problémy týkající se osobního chování nebo názorů politika. 4. Politické krize: Tyto případy se týkají situací, kdy politická nebo vládní instituce čelí vážným problémům nebo hrozbám, které mohou ohrozit jejich stabilitu, legitimitu nebo schopnost řádně plnit své povinnosti. Politické krize mohou být způsobeny rozdíly v názorech mezi politickými stranami, nestabilitou ve vládě, konflikty mezi různými orgány nebo mezinárodními aktéry a dalšími faktory. 5. Vyšetřování a odvolání: V některých politických případech mohou být politici nebo vládní úředníci odvoláni ze svých pozic nebo podrobeni vyšetřování kvůli podezření z trestných činů, porušení etických pravidel nebo jiných nepravostí. Tyto případy mohou vést k odvolání politika z funkce, pokutám, kriminálním stíháním nebo jiným sankcím. Všechny tyto politické případy jsou důležité pro veřejnost a mohou mít významný dopad na politický systém a důvěru občanů ve vládu a politické instituce. Je povinností médií a dalších zúčastněných stran sledovat a vyšetřovat politické případy, aby zajistily transparentnost, zodpovědnost a spravedlnost ve světě politiky.

question:You are an AI assistant. You will be given a task. You must generate a detailed and long answer. Answer this question: what was the last state to be added to the united states??

answer:The last state to be added to the United States was Hawaii, which officially became the 50th state on August 21, 1959. Situated in the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii is an archipelago of eight major islands along with several smaller islands and atolls. The major islands are Hawai'i (also known as the Big Island), Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Niihau, and Kahoolawe. Hawaii's path to statehood was a long and complex one. Before the arrival of Europeans, Hawaii was an independent Polynesian kingdom with a rich history and culture. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, European explorers and traders, led by British Captain James Cook, visited the islands and established contact with the native Hawaiians. Their arrival brought diseases that the native Hawaiian population had no immunity to, ultimately leading to a significant decline in their numbers. Throughout the 19th century, Hawaii experienced a period of rapid economic and societal transformation, with American missionaries and immigrant laborers, particularly from Asia, arriving in large numbers. The influence of these newcomers began to permeate Hawaiian society, impacting everything from politics and economics to religion and education. In 1893, the last reigning monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii, Queen Liliʻuokalani, was overthrown by a group of American and European businessmen in a coup. A provisional government was established, which was later replaced by the Republic of Hawaii in 1894. The United States annexed the islands during the Spanish-American War in 1898, and Hawaii became a US territory in 1900. As a US territory, Hawaii developed a thriving economy based on agriculture (particularly pineapple and sugarcane), tourism, and military installations. However, the territory's population was diverse, and not all residents were in favor of statehood. Many native Hawaiian groups, as well as some immigrant laborers, felt that the United States had illegitimately taken control of their islands. Despite these concerns, calls for statehood grew louder after World War II, which had seen a massive influx of military personnel and investment into the region. Hawaii's strategic location in the Pacific Ocean made it essential for US defense interests, and this, combined with the islands' burgeoning tourism industry, prompted Congress to consider admitting Hawaii as a state. Following several years of debate and deliberation, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Hawaii Admission Act into law on March 18, 1959. This act provided for Hawaii's transition from a territory to a state, pending the approval of the people of Hawaii. A plebiscite was held in June 1959, in which over 94% of the voters supported statehood, and Hawaii officially joined the union as the 50th state on August 21, 1959. Hawaii's unique history, rich cultural heritage, and natural beauty have made it a distinctive and valuable addition to the United States. Today, the state plays a vital role in US defense, as well as being a major tourism destination, and it continues to be a melting pot of diverse cultures and traditions.

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