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answer:根据网络上的一些信息,华为曾经有一位高管名叫屈凡利(Qu Fanli),他是一名来自美国的华人,在2011年至2019年期间一直在华为工作。他在华为的职位是核心网络技术架构师,曾参与华为5G技术的研发,并曾在国际标准组织3GPP工作组中担任主席。 据报道,屈凡利在华为公司期间对5G技术发展有着重要贡献,曾荣获华为感动人心的“紫光红领巾”奖,以及领袖型技术人才奖等荣誉。他也曾在公开场合提出过对行业未来发展的见解。 需要说明的是,以上信息仅为网络上公开信息的部分,可能不全面或存在变化。

question:give me examples from real life and then fiction of the thickest armour ever used in ground combat vehicles, warships and even structures and bunkers

answer:Real-life examples of thickest armor: 1. The German Tiger II tank had armor that was up to 185mm thick in some areas. 2. The American M1 Abrams tank has a maximum armor thickness of 1,270mm. 3. The French Char 2C tank had armor that was up to 90mm thick. 4. The American battleship USS Iowa had armor that was up to 406mm thick. Fictional examples of thickest armor: 1. The Titus mech from the video game "Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine" has armor that is several meters thick in places. 2. The Death Star from "Star Wars" is said to have armor that is "tens of meters" thick. 3. The Jaegers from "Pacific Rim" have armor that is several inches thick and reinforced with multiple layers of advanced materials. 4. The AT-AT walkers from "Star Wars" have armor that is strong enough to resist heavy ground fire from small arms and anti-vehicle weapons.


answer:Bonjour, comment puis-je vous aider aujourd'hui ?

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