question:Determine if the following two sentences paraphrase each other or not. Sent 1: Abbott would see action in 24 games for the track athletics that fall , and was traded to the Florida Marlins after the season in exchange for Kerwin Moore . Sent 2: Kerwin Moore would see action in 24 games for the Athletics that fall , and was traded to the Florida Marlins after the season in exchange for Abbott .
answer:The two sentences are saying the same thing but with some changes in the wording. So, they are paraphrasing each other.
question:Grey's Anatomy (season 14) On April 20, 2018, ABC officially renewed Grey's Anatomy for a network primetime drama recordsetting fifteenth season. Having read that, could you tell me is this last season for grey's anatomy?
answer:No, the information you provided states that Grey's Anatomy was renewed for a fifteenth season, but it does not mention it being the last season.
question:What is the following passage about? This position was carried by the D.C. Statehood Party, a political party; it has since merged with the local Green Party affiliate to form the D.C. Statehood Green Party. The nearest this movement ever came to success was in 1978, when Congress passed the District of Columbia Voting Rights Amendment. Two years later in 1980, local citizens passed an initiative calling for a constitutional convention for a new state. In 1982, voters ratified the constitution of the state, which was to be called New Columbia. The drive for statehood stalled in 1985, however, when the Washington, D.C. Voting Rights Amendment failed because not enough states ratified the amendment within the sevenyear span specified.
answer:The passage is about the movement for statehood of Washington, D.C. from 1978 to 1985.
question:Answer the question depending on the context. Context: During the mid2000s, the city witnessed its largest real estate boom since the Florida land boom of the 1920s. During this period, the city had well over a hundred approved highrise construction projects in which 50 were actually built. In 2007, however, the housing market crashed causing lots of foreclosures on houses. This rapid highrise construction, has led to fast population growth in the city's inner neighborhoods, primarily in Downtown, Brickell and Edgewater, with these neighborhoods becoming the fastestgrowing areas in the city. The Miami area ranks 8th in the nation in foreclosures. In 2011, Forbes magazine named Miami the secondmost miserable city in the United States due to its high foreclosure rate and past decade of corruption among public officials. In 2012, Forbes magazine named Miami the most miserable city in the United States because of a crippling housing crisis that has cost multitudes of residents their homes and jobs. The metro area has one of the highest violent crime rates in the country and workers face lengthy daily commutes.; Question: What year saw the crash of the Miami housing market?; Answer
answer:The housing market in Miami crashed in 2007.