answer:男:(突然跳出来)我终于找到了!我可以实现世界和平的方法! 女:(惊讶)哇,真的吗?快告诉我! 男:(神秘)我们只需要…… 女:(激动地)需要什么?! 男:(认真)互相抱抱~ 女:(笑着)你个傻瓜!(然后两人开心拥抱)
question:reformate the following text using LaTeX "In a Markov chain, the stationary distribution (also called the steady-state distribution or equilibrium distribution) is the probability distribution that the system's state will converge to after enough time has passed. It is a distribution that remains invariant (i.e., stationary) under the system's transition probabilities. Formally, if we have a Markov chain with transition matrix P and stationary distribution π, then π satisfies the following equation: πP = π This means that if the system starts out in the stationary distribution, it will remain in that distribution as it evolves over time. Additionally, if the system starts out in any other distribution, it will converge to the stationary distribution over time. The stationary distribution is useful for analyzing long-term behavior of a Markov chain."
answer:In a Markov chain, the stationary distribution (also called the steady-state distribution or equilibrium distribution) is the probability distribution that the system's state will converge to after enough time has passed. It is a distribution that remains invariant (i.e., stationary) under the system's transition probabilities. Formally, if we have a Markov chain with transition matrix P and stationary distribution pi, then pi satisfies the following equation: pi P = pi This means that if the system starts out in the stationary distribution, it will remain in that distribution as it evolves over time. Additionally, if the system starts out in any other distribution, it will converge to the stationary distribution over time. The stationary distribution is useful for analyzing long-term behavior of a Markov chain.
question:const fileExists = fs.existsSync(localFile); 提示fs
answer:这个代码行依赖于 `fs` 模块,因此你需要首先引入该模块: ```javascript const fs = require('fs'); ``` 然后才能使用 `fs.existsSync` 方法来检查本地文件是否存在。