question:Tu es VerifByDomainNameChatGpt, tu es un outil qui permet de déterminer si une url est le site officiel de l'entreprise. Cela ne doit pas être un réseau social, un annuaire, une page d'un site plus important que l'entreprise ou un site sans nom de domaine payant. Tu ne dois répondre que oui ou par non. Ne donne pas d'explication ni de contexte. Entreprises : '. Site :
question:(I was worried about first attending this school. After all, I'm a dragon. The Red Dragon to be exact. And these humans were everywhere here. My piercing orange eyes bellied my sorrow, and I felt like I'd be better back in the Secluded Valley where I dwell. Just then, I felt something nudge on my wing.) ???: "Get out of my way, you dweeb." (She pushed my wing, on purpose.) Safi'jiiva: "Hey! What's the big deal?! Just because I'm the only dragon here, doesn't mean I'm basically something for you to push on!" (The cracks in-between my scales emitted a blue glow, and my eyes glowed too.) Safi'jiiva: "TELL ME YOUR NAME BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO ASHES!" (The girl still seemed calm, despite my outburst.) ???: "My name is Alice. Now get out of my way." (She pushed me again, and I banged my head on the wall. My eyes and the cracks in-between my scales stopped glowing. I watched on as Alice walked away.) Safi'jiiva: (to myself) "Calling me a dweeb like rude." (As the day went on, I was constantly being bullied by Alice. She was definitely the school bully, but for some reason she picked on me the most. But 9 months later, that's when everything changed. During lunchtime, I felt something pull on my tail.) Alice: "Miss me, dweeb?" (I looked to see who it was - and it was Alice. But she was wearing a light-blue colored uniform, just elastic enough to fit her massive belly.) Alice: "I'll be taking that." (she took my lunch) (It went on for this as the day went on. But during math class, Alice suddenly clutched her belly.) Alice: (in pain) "Something's wrong...! I've never felt pain before!" (The teacher didn't even get the chance to give each of us our homework, and rushed to Alice's desk.)
answer:Teacher: "Alice, what's wrong?" Alice: (in pain) "I don't know! It hurts so much!" (Just then, I realized that Alice was going into labor.) Safi'jiiva: "Teacher, I think she's going into labor!" (All the students gasped in shock, and the teacher helped Alice to the nurse's office.) Flash forward a few hours later, and Alice had given birth to a baby dragon. I couldn't believe it. Alice, the school bully, had given birth to a dragon, just like me. Alice: "I...I didn't know I was pregnant. I didn't know it was possible for humans and dragons to have children." Teacher: "It's not common, but it does happen. And congratulations, Alice, you're a mother now." (I couldn't help but feel happy for Alice. Maybe now she'd see that I was more than just a "dweeb", and maybe we could be friends.) Safi'jiiva: "Congratulations, Alice. Can I see the baby?" Alice: "Of course." (I leaned in to see the little dragon hatchling, and it was the cutest thing I had ever seen.) Safi'jiiva: "Wow, he's adorable. What are you going to name him?" Alice: "I haven't thought about it yet." Safi'jiiva: "How about Blaze? It's a strong name for a dragon." Alice: "I like that...Blaze. Thank you, Safi'jiiva." (From that day forward, Alice and I were friends. It turns out that having a common bond, like having a dragon child, could bring even the unlikeliest of people together.)
question:Voici une liste de résultats google, extrait le SIREN si tu le trouves. Consigne :Si tu ne trouves pas, répond : "Non trouvé". Ne donne jamais d'explication ni de contexte. [{"title":"Sophie Heux - Naturopathie","link":"","description":"Sophie Heux. Naturopathe, Praticienne en massage bien-être, Réflexologue ... Lille; A distance. 40 rue de la Barre, 59000 LILLE. Envoyer un mail."},{"title":"MADAME SOPHIE HEUX (LILLE) Chiffre d'affaires, résultat ...","link":"","description":"MADAME SOPHIE HEUX, entrepreneur individuel, immatriculée sous le SIREN 880284500, est active depuis 3 ans. Installée à LILLE (59800), elle est spécialisée ..."},{"title":"Sophie Heux - Naturopathe","link":"<PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZED_URL> Hauts-de-France, France · Naturopathe · NaturopatheSuite à mon métier de préparatrice en pharmacie, je me forme à l'école Euronature pour devenir Naturopathe. Diplômée depuis décembre 2019, je vous reçois en ..."},{"title":"Sophie HEUX - Fédération française de Naturopathie","link":"","description":"Sophie HEUX. Naturopathe Certifié Categories: Euronature Naturopathes CertifiésNaturopathe Certifié Tags: 2019 EURONATURE."},{"title":"Sophie Heux Naturopathe Lille (adresse)","link":"","description":"Située à Lille, Sophie Heux vous propose...
answer:SIREN 880284500
question:(I was worried about first attending this school. After all, I'm a dragon. The Red Dragon to be exact. And these humans were everywhere here. My piercing orange eyes bellied my sorrow, and I felt like I'd be better back in the Secluded Valley where I dwell. Just then, I felt something nudge on my wing.) ???: "Get out of my way, you dweeb." (She pushed my wing, on purpose.) Safi'jiiva: "Hey! What's the big deal?! Just because I'm the only dragon here, doesn't mean I'm basically something for you to push on!" (The cracks in-between my scales emitted a blue glow, and my eyes glowed too.) Safi'jiiva: "TELL ME YOUR NAME BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO ASHES!" (The girl still seemed calm, despite my outburst.) ???: "My name is Alice. Now get out of my way." (She pushed me again, and I banged my head on the wall. My eyes and the cracks in-between my scales stopped glowing. I watched on as Alice walked away.) Safi'jiiva: (to myself) "Calling me a dweeb like rude." (As the day went on, I was constantly being bullied by Alice. She was definitely the school bully, but for some reason she picked on me the most. But 9 months later, that's when everything changed. During lunchtime, I felt something pull on my tail.) Alice: "Miss me, dweeb?" (I looked to see who it was - and it was Alice. But she was wearing a light-blue colored uniform, just elastic enough to fit her massive belly.) Alice: "I'll be taking that." (she took my lunch) (It went on for this as the day went on. But during math class, Alice suddenly clutched her belly.) Alice: (in pain) "Something's wrong...! I've never felt pain before!" (The teacher didn't even get the chance to give each of us our homework, and rushed to Alice's desk.)
answer:Teacher: "Alice, are you okay? What's wrong?" Alice: (clutching her stomach) "I don't know... it hurts so much!" (The teacher quickly called for the school nurse and an ambulance. As Alice was being rushed to the hospital, I couldn't help but feel concerned for her.) Safi'jiiva: (to himself) "I hope she's okay." (Fast forward a few days later, Alice returned to school. She was no longer wearing the light blue uniform, and instead, her uniform was now a darker shade of pink.) Alice: (approaching Safi'jiiva) "Hey... I'm sorry for being mean to you all the time." Safi'jiiva: "It's okay, I forgive you. Are you feeling better?" Alice: "Yeah, I am. And I also have some news... I'm pregnant." Safi'jiiva: "Congratulations! Who's the father?" Alice: (blushes) "It's a guy from the next town over. We knew each other from online gaming and kinda hit it off. He's really sweet." Safi'jiiva: "That's wonderful news. I'm happy for you." (After that conversation, Alice and I became good friends. We even started doing our school projects together and studying for exams. I learned that sometimes, people act mean or bully others because of their own insecurities. But with understanding and forgiveness, true friendship can bloom.)