question:Aurory Updates Subscribe Sign in Seekers of Tokane Guide 📖 AURORY PROJECT NOV 16, 2023 After an incredible effort by all teams working together for months, we can say the wait is over, and it’s time to dive into the early access of Seekers of Tokane! If you already have an Aurory account, visit the Epic Gamestore, download Seekers of Tokane, and start your adventure! Notes: Please be aware that you have to Sync your Aurorian and Prime Nefties (NFTs) if you want to play with them. The initial loading of the game and lands can take several minutes. Once the content is loaded, the loading time should go down. Account Creation As a new player, you’ll have to create an Aurory account first. Simply visit our Website and sign up using a social media option or a Solana (SPL) or an EVM wallet like Phantom or Metamask. You’ll get a congratulations message with a gift that appears only once. This is a starter egg that you can hatch for free with the Incubator to get a brand new (off-chain/Standard) Neftie. Starter Eggs have Nefties Number 9, Blockchoy, and Dipking available. Starter Egg Avatar Creation and Customization After you launch the game and click on ‘‘Start Adventure’’, you’ll land on the avatar selection page. This is where you create, customize, and save your avatar. Once you are done customizing your character, simply click ‘‘save’’ and then ‘‘select’’ to launch the game. Aurorian holders will, of course, be able to select their unique characters. Avatar Customization Blanche You have made it to the village of Blanche! The basic controls are simply clicking once or clicking and holding wherever you want to run on the map. The Village of Blanche Move past the arches, and you will find Kitty, who will grant you access to the Everlasting Lands. You will need to complete a Land in order to unlock PvP Blitz Battles, so follow her instructions and go through the Portal. If you make it out successfully, you will have unlocked PvP! You will also find several elements and other NPCs in Blanche that can be clicked on to interact with, including trainers, the marketplace and swap kiosks, among other things. As you further explore the village, you will come across the Incubator. This machine was created by Sato to hatch different types of Neftie eggs and can be used in-game. Hatching Prime Nefties requires a fee in AURY; the AURY fee is dynamic, which means it will be adjusted when needed. The Amplifier The amplifier, which can be found right next to the incubator, will allow you to level up Nefties by using other Nefties of the same species. This feature not only introduces a new progression path but also serves as a mechanism to reduce the circulating supply of Prime Nefties. It's important to note that the enhancement of Nefties through this feature will significantly improve their in-game performance without any impact on their rarity. Neftie progression is capped at level 30, and the maximum stats that can be reached will depend on the level 1 stats of a Neftie. Amplifying will also require a fee in crystals that varies depending on the before and after level of the amplified Neftie. Some XP may be lost during the amplification process, so the total XP harvested might be different from the XP received by the target Neftie. Notes You can level up Prime and Standard Nefties, but you can’t mix both asset types. The Target Neftie is the one you want to level up, and the Source Neftie is the one that gives its XP to the target Neftie by returning to the wild, unable to be recaptured. Neftie XP will reset upon Desyncing/Selling a Neftie. Be careful amplifying Nefties you plan on trading! Crystals Crystals are an off-chain currency and do not hold any value outside of the game they're in. You can earn Crystals by exploring lands, battling wild Nefties, completing quests (when available), and participating in events. They will allow you to progress and buy items, mostly concerning Standard (off-chain) assets. Use them to hatch eggs, amplify Nefties, purchase items from merchants (when available), participate in tournaments, access certain fee-based game modes, and buy cosmetics in the shop. Blitz Battles Blitz Battles are exciting 1-on-1 Neftie showdowns that will be the key to success in your journey in Tokane. To start a battle against another player, you can either talk to Kitty or one of the trainers in Blanche. Click on ‘‘DETAILS’’ in the Neftie selection screen to see your Neftie’s stats and abilities. It’s recommended to check them out before going into battle. When you think you're ready, select your preferred Neftie and start the matchmaking process. If you want to skip the Neftie selection, you can click the crossed swords in the top right corner of the screen to enter matchmaking with the Neftie you have selected as your favorite. Note: When you are in the PvP queue, you cannot enter lands. Neftie Selection Phases There are two phases in Blitz Battles: the preparation phase and the resolution phase. During the preparation phase, you select actions, and during the resolution phase, all actions are executed. At the start of a battle and at the start of every preparation phase, you receive two hype. An action is either an ability or a swap. We'll get to the swapping later! Preparation Phase - Current Actions Abilities Abilities are split into three categories: Offensive, Defensive, and Status Effects, and they can be either Elemental or Normal. The offensive abilities have a power value that is based on a Neftie's ATK to calculate the damage dealt, and the defensive abilities are based on the Nefties’ DEF stats. Some moves make your Neftie gain hype or cost 0, while others are triggered with conditions, so read them carefully! Ability Categories Swapping Swapping is an action that allows you to replace your active Neftie with another one, and this can be a turning point in battles. It counts as an action, so it will cost you hype. It can be selected for any of the three action slots, which allows you to use an ability of your new Neftie on the same turn if you swap before action three. When you swap, 50% of the current hype is transferred to the new Neftie. Swapping can only be done once per battle, so use it wisely! You can also ‘‘Skip’’ actions with the arrow button or ‘‘Concede’’ to quit a battle with the option right below it. Swapping Status Effects Nefties can stack up to four status effects at the same time. If a new status effect is applied while there are already four active, the first one that was applied will be removed. You can also stack the same status effect to increase its strength (check out the arrows next to the status effect). The highest debuff is Tier -5 and will modify the stat to 50% of its original value. The highest buff is Tier +5, and it will modify the stat to 200% of its original value. Status effects stay active for a certain duration and can be removed by using Cleanse abilities. Active Status Effects Critical Hits and Fails You have a 5% chance of getting a critical hit. It will increase the power by 200%. You have a 5% chance of getting a critical fail. It will decrease the power by 50%. Elements Neftie elements will have major importance in battles. For example, a water Neftie like Axobubble will do extra damage to a fire Neftie like Shiba Ignite but less damage to a plant Neftie like Blockchoy. The six elements are Earth, Lightning, Wind, Fire, Plant, and Water. Elements Overview Rewards Earn OKA by winning Blitz PvP battles with Prime Nefties, as long as the starting Neftie has OKAnergy. Once they run out of OKAnergy, they’ll earn TOKE. Winning Blitz PvP battles with Standard Nefties will earn you TOKE. Aurorian holders will receive a bonus of 10% on the OKA and TOKE earned at the weekly AURY distribution as long as they held and Aurorian in SyncSpace for an entire week. The sub-tokens are not reflected in the rewards screen yet, but that is coming soon. In a future version, a leaderboard and rank-based matchmaking will also go live. And lastly, you can only battle with NFTs, Starter, or Standard Nefties, as we won’t provide all ‘‘Default’’ Nefties anymore that you have seen in Speed Blitz. You’ll have to collect them all to play with them! Neftie Attributes It is essential that Nefties maintain a certain coherence through all Aurory experiences while adapting to the needs of each game. In order to simplify Neftie stats for Seekers of Tokane, a Neftie's power will draw upon only four stats. This makes the game easy-to-understand and accessible for all types of players. • Health (HP) - The amount of damage a Neftie can take before being knocked out. • Attack Power (AP) - The amount of damage a Neftie can deal when using attack abilities. • Defense (DEF) - The amount of damage a Neftie can block from opponents' attacks. • Speed (INI) - Determines which Neftie uses an action first in a battle. Procedural Lands The Meadows Biome The lands in the current version will be either from the Arctik, Swamp, or Meadows biomes and chosen at random. Everything you collect will be displayed on the portal reward screen when you’ve completed a land. If you lose a battle, you will be escorted back to Blanche empty-handed. You can also exit lands or leave combat at any moment from the settings menu, but this equals defeat. When you leave a land via the portal, there will be an anti-cheat check of the reward list. Players who do not pass this check will be sent back to the village without any of their collected rewards. Rewards are distributed in two ways: Crystals can be looted from plants that are scattered across. Crystals and Prime or Standard eggs are rewarded for wins in PvE Blitz Battles. The post-battle reward screen will show you what you have won. Before you start your journey It’s worth reiterating that this is a live game that will grow into an even more exciting JRPG over time. The current version is the foundation on which many more amazing experiences will be built, and we can’t wait to share everything our team is cooking. We hope that you are as excited as we are about the potential of Seekers of Tokane and what is to come, as the future is looking bright. We’re grateful to have you all along for the ride! Please note that many features have yet to be released, and the game is still in alpha, so feel free to provide feedback and suggestions in Discord! Now head over to Tokane and show your digital self, explore the biomes, level up your Nefties, and win epic Blitz Battles! Click here to 👉 Play Seekers of Tokane 🕹️ Connect with us on our socials 👇 🤖 Discord | 🐦 Twitter | 📷 Instagram | 💬 Facebook | 📺 YouTube Subscribe to Aurory Updates Launched 2 years ago A monthly newsletter documenting development progress in the Aurory studio. Type your email... Subscribe 5 Likes Comments Write a comment... Top Latest Discussions Aurory Tactics - Battle Guide ⚔️ So you’ve entered the Nexus because you want to get some reps in on the battlefield. Here’s what you should know! JUN 18, 2022 • AURORY PROJECT 322 70 State of Aurory Address - July 2022 Enjoy this sixth installment of our monthly development update! AUG 2, 2022 • AURORY PROJECT 82 7 State of Aurory Address - June 2022 June was another volatile month for the entire crypto space, with many capitulations at the retail and even institutional levels. If you have been in… JUL 4, 2022 • AURORY PROJECT 37 See all Ready for more? Type your email... Subscribe © 2024 Aurory Project Privacy ∙ Terms ∙ Collection notice Start Writing Get the app Substack is the home for great culture
answer:The post provides a detailed update on the early access launch of "Seekers of Tokane," a part of the Aurory Project, a blockchain-based game. It guides players on how to start their journey in the game, including account creation, syncing NFTs (Aurorians and Prime Nefties), avatar customization, and initial gameplay steps. Here are the main points covered: - **Early Access Launch**: The early access of "Seekers of Tokane" is now available for download on the Epic Gamestore for players with an Aurory account. It highlights the need to sync Aurorian and Prime Nefties to use them in the game. - **Account Creation**: New players are instructed on creating an Aurory account using social media or a wallet compatible with Solana (SPL) or EVM (e.g., Phantom, Metamask). New accounts receive a gift of a starter egg, which can be incubated to hatch a Neftie. - **Avatar Creation and Customization**: Upon game startup, players can create and customize their avatars and then dive into the game's world, starting at the village of Blanche. - **Initial Gameplay**: The guide describes the village of Blanche, basic controls, and how to unlock PvP Blitz Battles by completing a tutorial land. It also details interaction with in-game elements like the Incubator and Amplifier, which are used for hatching Nefties and leveling them up, respectively. - **Crystals and Economy**: Crystals are introduced as an off-chain currency for progressing and purchasing items within the game. The post also outlines how players can earn crystals and the use of AURY for certain in-game transactions. - **Blitz Battles**: This section explains the mechanics of Blitz Battles, including the preparation and resolution phases, abilities, swapping, status effects, and elemental considerations in battles. - **Rewards**: Players can earn rewards such as OKA and TOKE through Blitz PvP battles, with Aurorian holders receiving a bonus. The post mentions plans for a leaderboard and matchmaking based on rank. - **Neftie Attributes**: It simplifies Nefties' stats for "Seekers of Tokane" to Health (HP), Attack Power (AP), Defense (DEF), and Speed (INI), making the game accessible to a wide audience. - **Procedural Lands**: It touches upon the variety of biomes players can explore and the mechanics of rewards and penalties for losing battles or cheating. Lastly, the post concludes by reminding readers that "Seekers of Tokane" is still in alpha, inviting feedback and suggestions for improvement. It also encourages players to engage with the Aurory Project on various social media platforms and subscribe to updates.
question:请将“Diese ursprüngliche Akkumulation spielt in der politischen Ökonomie ungefähr dieselbe Rolle wie der Sündenfall in der Theologie. Adam biß in den Apfel, und damit kam über das Menschengeschlecht die Sünde. Ihr Ursprung wird erklärt, indem er als Anekdote der Vergangenheit erzählt wird. In einer längst verfloßnen Zeit gab es auf der einen Seite eine fleißige, intelligente und vor allem sparsame Elite und auf der andren faulenzende, ihr alles und mehr verjubelnde Lumpen. Die Legende vom theologischen Sündenfall erzählt uns allerdings, wie der Mensch dazu verdammt worden sei, sein Brot im Schweiß seines Angesichts zu essen; die Historie vom ökonomischen Sündenfall aber enthüllt uns, wieso es Leute gibt, die das keineswegs nötig haben. Einerlei. So kam es, daß die ersten Reichtum akkumulierten und die letztren schließlich nichts zu verkaufen hatten als ihre eigne Haut. Und von diesem Sündenfall datiert die Armut der großen Masse, die immer noch, aller Arbeit zum Trotz, nichts zu verkaufen hat als sich selbst, und der Reichtum der weniger, der fortwährend wächst, obgleich sie längst aufgehört haben zu arbeiten. In der wirklichen Geschichte spielen bekanntlich Eroberung, Unterjochung, Raubmord, kurz Gewalt die große Rolle. In der sanften politischen Ökonomie herrschte von jeher die Idylle. Recht und (Arbeit) waren von jeher die einzigen Bereicherungsmittel, natürlich mit jedesmaliger Ausnahme von diesem Jahr. In der Tat sind die Methoden der ursprünglichen Akkumulation alles andre, nur nicht idyllisch. Geld und Ware sind nicht von vornherein Kapital, sowenig wie Produktions- und Lebensmittel. Sie bedürfen der Verwandlung in Kapital. Diese Umwandlung selbst aber kann nur unter bestimmten Umständen vorgehn, die sich dahin zusammenspitzen: Zweierlei sehr verschieden Sorten von Warenbesitzern müssen sich gegenüber und in Kontakt treten, einerseits Eigner von Geld, Produktions- und Lebensmitteln, denen es gilt, die von ihnen geeignete Wertsumme zu verwerten durch Ankauf fremder Arbeitskraft; andrerseits freie Arbeiter, Verkäufer der eignen Arbeitskraft und daher Verkäufer von Arbeit. Freie Arbeiter in dem Doppelsinn, daß weder sie selbst unmittelbar zu den Produktionsmitteln gehören, wie Sklaven, Leibeigne usw., noch auch die Produktionsmittel ihnen gehören, wie beim selbstwirtschaftenden Bauer usw., sie davon vielmehr frei, los und ledig sind. Mit dieser Polarisation des Warenmarkts sind die Grundbedingungen der kapitalistischen Produktion gegeben. Das Kapitalverhältnis setzt die Scheidung zwischen den Arbeitern und dem Eigentum an den Verwirklichungsbedingungen der Arbeit voraus. Sobald die kapitalistische Produktion einmal auf eignen Füßen steht, erhält sie nicht nur jene Scheidung, sondern reproduziert sie auf stets wachsender Stufenleiter. Der Prozeß, der das Kapitalverhältnis schafft, kann also nichts andres sein als der Scheidungsprozeß des Arbeiters vom Eigentum an seinen Arbeitsbedingungen, ein Prozeß, der einerseits die gesellschaftlichen Lebens- und Produktionsmittel in Kapital verwandelt, andrerseits die unmittelbaren Produzenten in Lohnarbeiter. Die sog. ursprüngliche Akkumulation ist also nichts als der historische Scheidungsprozeß von Produzent und Produktionsmittel. Er erscheint als "ursprünglich", weil er die Vorgeschichte des Kapitals und der ihm entsprechenden Produktionsweise bildet. Der Scheidungsprozess der Produzierenden von ihren Produktionsmitteln ist einerseits eine Befreiung aus der persönlichen Abhängigkeit von leibeigenen Bäuerinnen und Bauern und eine Befreiung von den strikten Zunftordnungen. Andererseits ist es ein gewaltsamer Prozess der Vertreibung der bäuerlichen Familien von ihrem bislang bewirtschafteten Land. Die Befreiung aus den persönlichen Herrschafts- und Knechtschaftsverhältnissen vorkapitalistischer Verhältnisse wandelte sich zur unpersönlichen Herrschaft des Marktes. Wer über keine Produktionsmittel mehr verfügt, hat keine Alternative, als seine beziehungsweise ihre Arbeitskraft an Unternehmen gegen Lohn zu verkaufen. Marx illustriert den «Formwechsel dieser Knechtung» durch die Analyse der damaligen Herrschaft. Dabei konzentriert er sich auf die Verhältnisse in England seit dem 15. Jahrhundert. Das englische Ancien Régime spielte eine entscheidende Rolle bei dem erwähnten Scheidungsprozess der Produzierenden von ihren Produktionsmitteln. In anderen Ländern vollzogen sich im Zeitalter des Absolutismus oder in der späteren Phase der Herrschaft des bürgerlichen Staates ähnliche Tendenzen. Die Konjunktur der holländischen Wollmanufakturen hatte zu einer hohen Nachfrage nach Wolle geführt. Zahlreiche englische Feudalherren vertrieben daraufhin Bauernfamilien von ihrem Land, um dieses nicht weiter zum Anbau von Lebensmitteln, sondern zur Wollproduktion zu nutzen. Marx fasst dies als « Verwandlung von Ackerland in Schafsweide » zusammen. Neben dieser neuen Nutzung von Ländereien unter der Kontrolle von Feudalherren wurde auch bisheriges Gemeineigentum enteignet und in Privateigentumn verwandelt. Die Einhegung der Allmende - gemeinschaftlich bewirtschaftetes land- erfolgte anfangs als Raub ohne rechtliche Legitimität. Später wurde sie durch herrschaftliche Dekrete legitimiert. Die Enteignung von Kirchengütern und Klöstern in der Zeit der Reformation sowie von Land schottischer Clans waren weitere Momente dieses enormen Enteignungsprozesses. Mit herrschaftlicher Unterstützung wurden sowohl das Privateigentum an Boden durchgesetzt, als auch die kapitalistische Klassengesellschaft geschaffen. Aus den bisherigen Pächter_innen wurden kapitalistische Pächter_innen und aus dem angeeigneten Reichtum wurden Unternehmungen finanziert, die die industriellen Kapitalist_innen schufen. Neben der kapitalistischen Klasse wurde durch die sogenannte ursprüngliche Akkumulation zugleich die Klasse des Proletariats geschaffen - ehemalige Bäuerinnen und Bauern, die ihre bisherige Existenzgrundlage verloren hatten. Die massenhaft von ihrem bisher bearbeiteten Land vertriebenen Menschen fanden jedoch nicht direkt neue Arbeitsmöglichkeiten in den sich ausbreitenden Manufakturen und Fabriken. Die englischen Herrschenden reagierten auf diese seit dem Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts in großer Zahl im Land herumziehende Menge des Proletariats mit einer «Blutgesetzgebung gegen die Expropriierten》. ”翻译为中文
answer:这种原始积累在政治经济学中的作用,大约就如同原罪在神学中所起的作用一样。亚当咬了苹果,从此人类背上了原罪。其起源通过讲述一个过去的轶事来解释。在很久以前,一方面有勤奋、聪明而且最重要的是节俭的精英,另一方面则是挥霍无度、懒惰的贫民。神学中的原罪传说告诉我们,人类因此被诅咒,必须通过辛勤劳动来赢得面包;但经济学中的原罪历史却揭示了为什么有些人根本不需要这么做。就这样,最初的那些人积累了财富,而后来的人最终除了自己的皮肤外无物可卖。由这个原罪开始,大多数人的贫穷历史至今仍在继续,尽管全力以赴工作,但还是只能出卖自己,而少数人的财富却在不断增长,尽管他们早已停止工作。 在真实的历史中,众所周知,征服、压迫、掠夺、简言之,暴力扮演了重要角色。在温和的政治经济学里,从来都是田园诗一般的存在。法律和(劳动)一直是唯一的致富手段,当然每次都有例外。事实上,原始积累的方法无一不是非田园诗化的。金钱和商品本来并不是资本,就像生产资料和生活资料一样。他们需要被转变成资本。这种转变本身只能在某些特定条件下进行,这些条件归纳起来就是:两种非常不同的商品所有者必须面对面接触,一方是拥有金钱、生产资料和生活资料的所有者,他们需要通过购买他人劳动力来使自己手中的价值量实现增值;另一方则是自由劳工,他们出售自己的劳动力,因此是劳动的卖者。自由劳工在双重意义上是自由的,即他们既不像奴隶、农奴等直接属于生产资料,生产资料也不属于他们,如同自耕农等,他们反而是自由的、脱离的。有了商品市场的这种两极分化,资本主义生产的基本条件就具备了。资本关系前提就是劳动者与劳动实现条件的财产分离。一旦资本主义生产依靠自身站稳脚跟,它不仅保持了这种分离,而且在不断扩大的规模上再生产这种分离。因此,创造资本关系的过程,别无它物,正是劳动者与其劳动条件的分离过程,一方面将社会生活和生产资料转化为资本,另一方面将直接生产者转化为雇佣工人。所谓的原始积累,不过是生产者和生产资料分离的历史过程。它之所以看起来是“原始的”,是因为它构成了资本以及与之相对应的生产方式的前史。 生产者与生产资料的分离过程一方面是从农奴身份的个人依赖状态以及严格的行会制度中解放出来,另一方面则是把农民家庭从他们长期耕作的土地上暴力驱逐的过程。从封建制度前的个人主权和奴役关系中解放出来,变成市场无人情味的统治。那些不再拥有生产资料的人别无选择,只能将自己的劳动力卖给企业以换取工资。马克思通过分析当时的统治关系来阐释这种“奴役形式的转变”。他专注于自15世纪以来英格兰的情况。英格兰的旧体制在生产者与生产资料分离过程中发挥了决定性作用。在绝对君主制时代或之后的市民国家统治阶段,其他国家也发生了类似的趋势。荷兰羊毛制造业的繁荣导致对羊毛的大量需求。因此,许多英格兰封建主将农民家庭从他们的土地上驱逐出去,以不再用于生产食物,而是用于羊毛生产。马克思将这一点概括为“将耕地转变为牧场”。除了封建主控制下的土地用途变更外,以前的公有土地也被剥夺并转变为私有财产。对公共土地的围栏化最初是没有法律合法性的抢夺。后来,通过统治者的法令获得了合法性。在宗教改革时期对教会财产和修道院的剥夺,以及对苏格兰氏族土地的剥夺,是这一巨大剥夺过程的其他时刻。在统治者的支持下,不仅建立了土地私有制,同时也创造了资本主义的阶级社会。以前的租农变成了资本主义地主,而通过掠夺获得的财富则资助了创造工业资本家的企业。通过所谓的原始积累,同时也创造了无产阶级——失去了他们以前生存基础的前农民。然而,这些被大量赶出自己曾经耕作的土地的人,并没有立即在扩展中的制造厂和工厂找到新的工作机会。面对从15世纪末开始在国内大量流浪的无产阶级,英格兰的统治者以《针对被剥夺者的血腥法律》做出了回应。
question:As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting below, and follow these guidelines: Do not use the words "description" or ":" in any form. Do not place a comma between [ar] and [v]. Write each prompt in one line without using return. Structure: [1] = 人老了就是这样,不完美但却趣味十足 [2] = a detailed description of [1] with specific imagery details. [3] = a detailed description of the scene's environment. [4] = a detailed description of the compositions. [5] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [6] = A style (e.g. photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, artwork, paperwork, 3D, etc.) for [1]. [7] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [ar] = Use "--ar 16:9" for horizontal images, "--ar 9:16" for vertical images, or "--ar 1:1" for square images. [v] = Use "--niji" for Japanese art style, or "--v 5" for other styles. Formatting: Follow this prompt structure: "/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [ar] [v]". Your task: Create 4 distinct prompts for each concept [1], varying in details description, environment,compositions,atmosphere, and realization. Write your prompts in english. Do not describe unreal concepts as "real" or "photographic". Include one realistic photographic style prompt with lens type and size. Separate different prompts with two new lines. Example Prompts: /imagine prompt: cute dog, fluffy fur, wagging tail, playful expression, sitting on a grassy field, under a clear blue sky, with a colorful collar, in a natural and vibrant setting, by a lake, captured with a Nikon D750 camera, 50mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the dog's face, capturing its joyful spirit, in a style reminiscent of William Wegman's iconic dog portraits. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: beautiful women in the coffee shop, elegant and sophisticated, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, natural sunlight streaming through the window, soft and warm color tones, vintage decor with cozy armchairs and wooden tables, a bookshelf filled with classic novels, delicate porcelain teacups, a hint of aromatic coffee beans in the air, captured by a Leica M10 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the essence of timeless beauty, composition focused on the woman's face and hands, reminiscent of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A captivating Halo Reach landscape with a Spartan amidst a battlefield, fallen enemies around, smoke and fire in the background, emphasizing the Spartan's determination and bravery, detailed environment blending chaos and beauty, Illustration, digital art, --ar 16:9 --v 5
answer:/imagine prompt: An elderly woman with wild, curly hair, mismatched colorful clothes, oversized glasses, surrounded by quirky knick-knacks and vintage collectibles in her cluttered attic, sunlight streaming through dusty windows, a mischievous smile on her face as she holds a quirky ceramic teapot, capturing the essence of creativity and eccentricity, in a whimsical and vibrant setting, in a style reminiscent of surrealist paintings by Salvador Dali. --ar 4:3 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: An elderly man in a cozy, dimly lit living room filled with antique furniture, shelves stacked with books, a fireplace crackling softly, wearing a worn-out cable-knit sweater, holding a pipe, surrounded by a collection of old vinyl records, black-and-white photographs, and a faded Persian rug, reflecting nostalgia and tranquility, in a classic and timeless setting, captured with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera, 35mm lens, soft natural lighting, composition focused on the man's expression of contentment and wisdom, like a vintage portrait by Ansel Adams. --ar 16:9 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: An elderly couple dancing in a sunlit park gazebo, adorned with colorful fairy lights, surrounded by blooming flowers and lush greenery, a live band playing in the background, capturing their laughter and joy as they twirl gracefully, the woman in a flowing floral dress, the man in a dapper suit, in a lively and romantic atmosphere, in a candid and heartwarming setting, captured with a Sony A7III camera, 50mm lens, fast shutter speed freezing their movements, composition focused on the couple's intertwined hands and radiant smiles, conveying love and harmony, in a style reminiscent of vintage romance illustrations. --ar 1:1 --v 5 /imagine prompt: An elderly artist in a cluttered studio filled with colorful paint splatters, unfinished canvases, eclectic art supplies, and sculptures, natural light streaming through large windows, wearing a paint-stained smock and beret, passionately creating a vibrant abstract painting with bold brushstrokes, surrounded by a creative chaos that reflects their artistic energy and passion, in a dynamic and inspiring environment, captured with a Fujifilm X-T4 camera, 35mm lens, dynamic angles and close-ups of the artist's expressive gestures, composition focused on the interplay of colors and textures, in a style reminiscent of modern abstract expressionist artworks. --ar 16:9 --v 5.
question:I'm working on a horror stealth game and I'd like to tell you about its tone and setting.
answer:I'd love to hear about your horror stealth game! Feel free to share the details like its tone, setting, inspiration, and any mechanics you're particularly excited about. Whether it's set in ghost-infested ruins, a post-apocalyptic world teeming with unspeakable horrors, or a seemingly ordinary world with a dark underbelly, I'm here to listen and offer feedback or suggestions if you need them.