question:unfortunately this did not help. form is still being submitted
answer:I'm sorry to hear that the previous solution didn't work for you. Here are a few other possible solutions to try: 1. Use the `onKeyDown` event instead of `onKeyUp` event in the input element inside the `TagsInput` component. The `onClick` event on the `Container` can also be removed. ``` const handleKeyDown = (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { if (e.key === 'Enter') { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }; return ( <FormField {...formFieldProps}> <Container isError={!!error}> <TagsInput value={formatValue(value)} onChange={onChange} name={name} onBlur={handleBlur} placeHolder={placeholder} inputAttributes={{ onKeyDown: handleKeyDown }} /> </Container> </FormField> ); ``` This solution prevents the form submission by using the `onKeyDown` event on the input element inside the `TagsInput` component. The `onKeyUp` event can be removed since it would cause the form submission before the `onChange` event in the `TagsInput` can mutate the input value. 2. Use the `useEffect` hook to remove the `handleSubmit` function from the `onSubmit` event of the form. ``` const TagInput: React.FC<TagInputProps> = ({ value, onChange, placeholder, name, label, description, error, }) => { const formRef = useRef<HTMLFormElement>(null); useEffect(() => { const formEl = formRef.current; if (formEl) { formEl.removeEventListener('submit', handleSubmit); } }, []); const handleSubmit = (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => { e.preventDefault(); console.log('form submitted'); }; const handleBlur = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { ... }; ... return ( <FormField {...formFieldProps}> <Container isError={!!error}> <form ref={formRef} onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <TagsInput value={formatValue(value)} onChange={onChange} name={name} onBlur={handleBlur} placeHolder={placeholder} /> </form> </Container> </FormField> ); }; ``` This solution uses the `useRef` hook to get a reference to the form element. Then, the `useEffect` hook is used to remove the `handleSubmit` function from the `onSubmit` event of the form element when the component mounts. This ensures that the form submission is prevented regardless of any other keyboard events.
question:there's no such prop inputAtributes
answer:I apologize for the confusion. You are correct that `TagsInput` does not provide an `inputAttributes` prop. Instead, you can use the `inputProps` prop to pass props to the underlying `input` element, like this: ``` const handleKeyDown = (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { if (e.key === 'Enter') { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }; return ( <FormField {...formFieldProps}> <Container isError={!!error}> <TagsInput value={formatValue(value)} onChange={onChange} name={name} onBlur={handleBlur} placeHolder={placeholder} inputProps={{ onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, }} /> </Container> </FormField> ); ``` Using `inputProps` with the `onKeyDown` event attached to the `input` element inside `TagsInput` should prevent the form submission on hitting 'Enter'. I hope this helps!
question:I can see in the console that the defaultPrevented is true. But form is still submitted
answer:In that case, there might be other event listeners attached to the form, or some other code that is causing the form to submit despite the `preventDefault` call. Here are a few more potential solutions that you could try: 1. Check for any other event listeners attached to the form or its parent elements, and remove them if possible. It's possible that another event listener attached to the form element is causing the form to submit unexpectedly. 2. Wrap the `TagsInput` component in a `form` element and pass a custom `onSubmit` function to the `form` element, which returns `false` to prevent the page from reloading. ``` const onSubmit = () => { console.log('Form submitted') return false; }; return ( <form onSubmit={onSubmit}> <FormField {...formFieldProps}> <Container isError={!!error}> <TagsInput value={formatValue(value)} onChange={onChange} name={name} onBlur={handleBlur} placeHolder={placeholder} inputProps={{ onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, }} /> </Container> </FormField> </form> ); ``` This solution involves wrapping the `TagsInput` in a `form` element and specifying a custom `onSubmit` function that returns `false` to prevent the page from reloading. 3. Use the `useEffect` hook to remove the submit event listener from the form element when the component unmounts. ``` useEffect(() => { const form = document.getElementById('myForm'); const handleSubmit = (e: Event) => { e.preventDefault(); console.log('Form submitted.') }; form.addEventListener('submit', handleSubmit); return () => { form.removeEventListener('submit', handleSubmit); }; }, []); return ( <form id="myForm"> <FormField {...formFieldProps}> <Container isError={!!error}> <TagsInput value={formatValue(value)} onChange={onChange} name={name} onBlur={handleBlur} placeHolder={placeholder} inputProps={{ onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, }} /> </Container> </FormField> </form> ); ``` This solution involves using the `useEffect` hook to add a submit event listener to the form element when the component mounts, and then removing it when the component unmounts. You can use `document.getElementById` to get a reference to the form element by ID, and then pass your custom `handleSubmit` function to `addEventListener` to handle the submit event. Make sure to return a function that calls `removeEventListener` to clean up the event listener when the component unmounts. I hope one of these solutions helps solve the issue!
question:onSubmit={methods.handleSubmit(onSubmit)} how can I add e.preventDefault() to this onSubmit prop?
answer:You can modify the `onSubmit` function to first call `e.preventDefault()` before your existing logic. Here's an example: ``` const onSubmit = (data: any) => { e.preventDefault(); // add this line // your existing logic here }; ``` Then, you can pass the `onSubmit` function to `handleSubmit` with the `e` parameter included, like this: ``` onSubmit={(data, e) => onSubmit(data, e)} ``` This way, the `e` parameter containing the event will be passed to your `onSubmit` function, allowing you to call `preventDefault()` before processing the form data using your existing logic.