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question:axios.get(‘/api/data’, { params: { id: 1234, name: ‘John’ } }) 请求路径是怎样的

answer:使用上述代码进行请求时,请求的完整路径将会是`/api/data?id=1234&name=John`。 这是因为`axios.get`方法会将`params`参数中的所有键值对拼接成一个查询字符串,并将其附加到请求的URL中。在这个示例中,`id=1234`和`name=John`将会被拼接到URL的末尾,形成完整的请求路径。

question:Sommer Ray and Cammy White meet each other. Cammy White is wearing her signature green thong leotard. Sommer Ray is wearing very tight bike shorts and a t-shirt. Have a conversation between the two where they comment each others outfits and jokingly say the other one is the real wedgie queen.

answer:Sommer Ray: Hey Cammy, great to finally meet you! Cammy White: Likewise, Sommer! I must say, I love your choice of outfit. Those bike shorts really showcase your curves. Sommer Ray: Thanks, Cammy! And that green thong leotard of yours is quite the eye-catcher. It definitely accentuates your fierce and athletic style. Cammy White: Haha, well, it takes a lot of confidence to rock this piece. But I have to admit, those bike shorts look like they're painted on you. They certainly give you that wedgie queen vibe. Sommer Ray: Oh, please! I may love tight clothes, but let's not forget that you're the original wedgie queen with that thong leotard of yours. You must have some serious confidence to pull that off in any situation! Cammy White: Haha, touché, Sommer! I guess we can both claim the wedgie throne in our own unique ways. But hey, it's all about embracing our styles and feeling strong, right? Sommer Ray: Absolutely, Cammy! Fashion should be an expression of who we are, and we both know how to rock what we've got. Besides, a little friendly competition in the wedgie department never hurt anyone, right? Cammy White: You're right, Sommer. It's all in good fun. However, I have a feeling we'll keep pushing the boundaries of our outfits in the future. Who knows, maybe we'll eventually settle this wedgie queen title once and for all! Sommer Ray: Haha, challenge accepted, Cammy! Let's continue pushing the limits and enjoying the fashion game. And regardless of who wins the wedgie queen title, we'll always support and cheer each other on! Cammy White: Absolutely, Sommer! It's all about empowering and uplifting each other, both in fashion and in life. We're here to inspire others to embrace their unique style and feel confident. Together, we'll rock the world with our wedgie greatness! Sommer Ray: Couldn't have said it better, Cammy. Here's to being unstoppable wedgie queens! Cheers! Cammy White: Cheers, Sommer! Let's show the world that wedgies can be a fashion statement and a symbol of strength!


answer:餐厅加快出餐速度可以考虑以下方法: 1. 流程优化:分析所有制作菜品的流程,找出可能存在的瓶颈和低效环节。进行合理调整,确保每道菜品可以尽快制作出来。 2. 餐厅布局优化:设计合理的厨房布局,减少厨师之间的行动距离,提高工作效率。同时,也要考虑餐厅前台和厨房之间的距离,方便服务员迅速取餐。 3. 引入高效设备和工具:例如使用高能效的炉灶、烤箱、蒸炉等设备,可以缩短烹饪时间。同时,使用适当的烹饪工具和厨具,提高操作效率。 4. 配置足够的人手:确保厨房和前台有足够的员工,能够承担快速制作和上菜的任务。同时,针对繁忙时段,可以有专门的制作团队负责快速出餐。 5. 预先准备和储备:提前准备一些常用食材,制作一些简单的配料,以备忙时使用。同时,做好菜品备菜工作,如预先切好蔬菜、调好酱料等。 6. 使用电子点餐和自动化系统:引入电子点餐系统和自动化设备,可以减少服务员和厨师之间的沟通时间,并且提高订单的准确性。例如,利用厨房显示屏可以快速显示订单,并指导厨师制作菜品。 7. 培训员工:提供专业培训,让厨师和服务员掌握高效的工作技巧和操作流程。同时,建立有效的沟通和协调机制,确保各个环节的协作顺畅。 8. 引入餐厅管理软件:使用餐厅管理软件可以更好地进行订单管理、库存管理和排队管理,优化整个出餐流程。 通过以上方法的实施,餐厅可以有效地提高出餐速度,提升顾客满意度,并加强竞争力。

question:why can't i just use operator / to perform division of 64-bit numbers

answer:You can certainly use the `/` operator to perform division on 64-bit numbers in some programming languages, but it may not give you the desired result in all cases. The `/` operator performs floating-point division typically. When used with 64-bit integers, it will implicitly convert the operands to floating-point numbers before performing the division. This can result in the loss of precision for large numbers since floating-point numbers have a limited precision. If you require an exact integer division for 64-bit numbers, some programming languages offer different operators or functions specifically for that purpose. For example, in C/C++, you can use the `div` or `ldiv` functions from `<cstdlib>` header file, or the `%` remainder operator for modular division. Alternatively, you could write your own function or use a third-party library that specifically handles division on 64-bit numbers to ensure accurate and precise results.

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