question:453화 광속 (5) 드넓은 촬영 존 속 ‘조커(Joker)’가, 강우진이 수백 외국인들에게 찬사 섞인 박수를 받고 있다. -짝짝짝짝짝짝! 방금 ‘OK’ 사인을 뱉으며 모든 촬영이 끝을 알린 안가복 감독도, 기분 좋은 미소를 짓는 프로듀서 노라도, 그간 고생을 같이해온 백여 명 스탭들도, 오늘 촬영이 있든 없든 나와 준 헐리웃 배우들도, 그들의 팀원들도, ‘컬럼비아 스튜디오’ 직원들이나 간부들도, 최성건 포함 강우진의 팀원들도. 모두가 ‘조커(Joker)’의 강우진에게 아낌없는 박수를 보낸다. -짝짝짝짝짝짝짝! 방금 말도 많고 여러 이슈를 낳았던 ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생’이 크랭크업을 올렸으니까. 수백 외국인들의 박수는 우진을 향한 것도 있겠지만, 아무 탈 없이 촬영을 끝낸 것에 기뻐하는 것도 포함됐다. 곧, 안가복 감독은 키스탭들과 간단히 축하를 나누며 악수를 해댔고, 크리스와 헐리웃 배우들도 웃으며 기쁨 섞인 대화를 나눴다. ‘컬럼비아 스튜디오’ 간부들 역시 서로 악수하며 치솟는 환희를 공유했다. 그 광경을 지켜보던 최성건은 끓어 넘치는 짜릿함을 느끼고 있었다. 새삼 이 상황이 신기하기도, 터무니없기도 했으니까. ‘헐리웃 괴물 영화사인 ‘컬럼비아 스튜디오’가 나와서 하하 웃고 있고, 저 난다긴다하는 헐리웃 배우들이 크랭크업을 진심으로 기뻐한다. 그리고 그 중심엔.’ -스윽. ‘우진이가 있고.’ 아직 분장을 지우지 않아 ‘조커(Joker)’의 모습 그대로인 강우진. 그에겐 이미 여러 외국인 키스탭들이 들러붙은 채였다. 악수를 하거나 같이 사진을 찍어주는 중. 그런 강우진을 보던 최성건의 뇌리에 작년 이맘때쯤인 칸 영화제가 스쳤다. 우진이 당당히 ‘헐리웃에서 보자’고 선포한 때 말이다. 그 날이 어제 같은데 벌써 1년이 지났다. ‘우진이랑 같이 있으면 시간 가는 줄 모른다니까, 하하.’ 워낙 터지는 일이, 터무니없는 사건이 많이 생기기 때문. 실제로 최근엔 ‘에미상’ 남우주연상까지 받아버렸다. 이제 남은 것은 ‘아카데미상’. 그리고 저 외국인들에게 둘러싸인 ‘조커(Joker)’가 이번 ‘아카데미상’을 노린다. ‘뭐 그것 말고도 할 건 많지만.’ 강우진이 이미 찍고 있는 ‘야수와 미녀’나 예정된 작품 등 우진은 아직 해야 할 게 태산이었고, 최근의 ‘게스트’까지 합쳐진 최성건도 쉴 시간 따위 존재하지 않았다. 이때. -슥. 한창 키스탭들과의 포토타임을 마친 강우진이 최성건에게 다가왔다. ‘조커(Joker)’ 분장이 진했기에 보통이라면 놀라겠지만, 이미 익숙해진 최성건이 비죽 웃으며 우진에게 엄지를 보였다. “마지막 컷 죽여줬고, 고생 많았다 우진아.” 작게 고개 숙인 강우진이 낮은 톤으로 답했다. “고생하셨습니다, 대표님.” “대답이 예상되긴 한데 기분이 어떤데.” 기분이요? 째지는데요? 우진의 솔직한 속내였다. 허나 컨셉질이 짙은 그는 쎈척을 뻔뻔하게 흩뿌렸다. “그냥 그렇습니다.” “하하, 그래. 그 대답 나올 줄 알았다. 그래야 강우진이지.” “······” 침묵하던 우진이 몸을 돌려 왁자지껄인 현장을 둘러봤다. 스탭들이나 배우들 전부 외국인이라는 것만 빼면 흐름은 한국과 크게 다르지 않았다. 홀가분하다는 식으로 기뻐하는 것도, 화려한 미래를 기대하는 흥분이 얼굴에 서린 것도. 뭐 강우진도 비슷했다. 다만, 하나 다르다면. ‘기분이 째지긴하는데- 여기가 헐리웃이라 그런가? 묘한 감동도 있는디?’ 역시 장소의 차이. 세계 영화인의 본고장이라 불리는 헐리웃에서, 수많은 영화사 중 ‘빅파이브’라 칭하는 컬럼비아의 영화를 남주로서 끝냈다. 배우로서 아무 감정이 안 든다면 그건 로봇이겠지. 현재 강우진이 느끼고 있는 감정은 벅참이었다. 그리고 조금만 기다리면 강우진의 ‘조커(Joker)’를 전세계가 보게 된다. ‘어후- 씨, 좀 쫄리네.’ 한국이나 일본 영화관들에 영화가 걸렸을 때도 강우진은 긴장했다, 그것이 전세계로 뻗어간다고 생각하니 벌써부터 심장이 쿵쾅대는 그였다. 곧, ‘컬럼비아 스튜디오’ 간부들과 얘기하던 안가복 감독이 다가왔다. 우진은 가슴에 뜨거움을 식히기 위해 찬물을 끼얹었고, 주름진 얼굴의 안가복 감독이 강우진에게 미소를 보였다. “결국, 이날이 오고야 말았구만.” 영어가 아닌 한국어로 읊조린 안가복 감독에게 강우진이 작게 고개를 숙였다. “고생 많으셨습니다.” “내가 뭘 한 게 있겠나, 한국보단 수월했네. 나보다야 자네가 힘들었지. 얼굴엔 전혀 티가 안 나지만. 이제부턴 ‘야수와 미녀’ 촬영에만 집중하나?” “아마도.” “그래, 나는 내일부터 바로 편집에 돌입할 예정이야.” 안가복 감독은 앞으로의 스케줄을 적당히 읊었다. ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생’의 공식적인 촬영을 끝났지만, 남은 작업이 아예 없는 건 아니었다. 다른 버전의 포스터 촬영과 후시 녹음 등이 남았다. 허나 그런 것들은 며칠 안에 정리되는 것들. 비장함을 눈에 채운 안가복 감독이 강우진의 어깨에 손을 올렸고. “이번 편집은 내 연출 인생의 끝이라 생각하고 임할 거네, ‘컬럼비아 스튜디오’ 쪽에 확신을 전했으니 그에 상응하는 결과를 내야겠지.” “······” “조금은 겁이 나기도 해. 허허, 이 나이에 어울리지 않는 모습이지. 하지만 내 확신에 너무 많은 이해와 목표가 걸렸어.” ‘아카데미상’을 언급했다. “하지만 분명, 자네의 ‘조커(Joker)’는 세계에 먹힐 거야.” 강우진은 대답에 허세를 곁들였다. “저도 그렇게 생각합니다.” 후로. ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생’의 크랭크업 소식이 헐리웃에 퍼진 건, 강우진이 ‘야수와 미녀’ 촬영을 위해 이동하는 다음 날 아침이었다. ‘역시나 바로 알렸네, 빠르기도 해라.’ 컬러비아의 ‘시네마틱 유니버스’의 서막인 것부터 ‘에미상’에서 강우진이 보인 퍼포먼스 등, 워낙에 많은 이슈가 곁들어진 작품이었기에 외신은 ‘삐에로’의 크랭크업을 퍽 시끄럽게 다뤘다. 『LA TIME/“보든지 말든지” 강우진의 ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생’, 어제 공식 크랭크업 올려』 『CNM/‘크랭크업’ ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생’에 ‘컬럼비아 스튜디오’ 측 “개봉 시기 협의 중”』 대체적으로 외신의 기사엔 강우진이 포함됐지만, 어디에도 ‘아카데미상’이란 단어는 포함되지 않았다. ‘예상 자체를 안 하는 거겠지.’ 지금 강우진이 속으로 읊조린 것처럼, 그 누구도 어제 크랭크업을 알린 ‘삐에로’가 ‘아카데미상’을 노린다는 걸 점치지 않았다. 전례가 없으니까. 헐리웃 전체를 통틀어도 전세계 개봉을 미루고, LA 선 개봉 후 ‘아카데미상’을 노리는 형태는 전무했다. 그만큼 이 건이 밝혀지면 꽤 요동칠 게 빤했다. 뭐가됐든 ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생’의 크랭크업 소식은 헐리웃을 넘어서 한국과 일본. 『[속보]강우진과 안가복 감독의 ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생’, 어제 크랭크업! 팬들은 ‘개봉은 언제?!’ 흥분』 전세계로 점차 퍼져나갔다. 평소라면 간단한 이슈지만 왜인지 여론은 시끌시끌했다. 응원과 욕이 섞여 진창이었지만, 이는 전세계 대중이 보는 ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생’의 관심도라 봐도 무방했다. 그렇게 ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생’의 이슈가 몸집을 불릴 때쯤. “액션!!” 강우진은 아랑곳없이 ‘조커(Joker)’가 아닌 ‘야수’의 모습으로. 아니, 정확하게는 쫄쫄이 타이즈의 모습으로 다시금 촬영에 돌입했다. ‘삐에로’의 촬영을 마친 뒤라 그런지 강우진의 텐션은 높았다. “강우진씨- 평소에도 대단하긴 했는데, 어째 오늘은 좀 더 에너지가 넘치지 않아요?” “맞아, 저 특수 의상을 입고 있는데도 야생 ‘야수’가 언뜻언뜻 보인달까?” 그사이 안가복 감독을 필두로 ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생’ 팀은 편집에 돌입했다. ‘컬럼비아 스튜디오’ 내의 편집실이었고, 꽤 많은 키스탭 등이 모였다. 여러 기기나 모니터 또는 정면의 중형 스크린을 보던 안가복 감독은. ‘후- 이제부턴 시간과의 싸움.’ 거대한 계획의 첫발을 내디뎠다. 한편, 시기상 가장 늦게 출발한 ‘유니버설 무비스’의 ‘존 페르소나’는, 대니 랜디스 감독과 조셉 펠튼의 지휘 아래 프리의 중반부를 넘기고 있었다. 거론된 배우들의 캐스팅 완료, 촬영 콘티에 따른 세트 공사와 촬영 스케줄 확정 외의 다수. ‘존 페르소나’는 시끄러운 이슈는 없으나 조용히 칼을 가는 느낌. 물론. “이번 배우들 리스트 관련해서 강우진의 생각은?” “전부 상관없다고 하더군요.” 헐리웃 거물 감독 대니 랜디스는 슬슬 강우진과의 소통을 늘려가는 중이었다. 이렇듯 수많은 일들이 굴러갔고 그만큼 시간이 녹았다. 어느새 9월 마지막 날. ‘에미상’ 또는 강우진의 파워로 기대를 한 몸에 받던 ‘이로운 악’ 파트2는. 『[이슈픽]‘이로운 악’ 파트2, 이번에도 세계 1위로 전속력 질주!』 『오픈 2주째 전세계 1위 수성 중인 ‘이로운 악’ 파트2, 내년 ‘에미상’을 기대해도 될 정도』 또 한 번의 기적을 보였다. 세계 1등을 단단히 거머쥔 채 광속 질주를 유지하고 있었다. 그만큼 한국 컨텐츠의, 강우진의 위상이 더더욱 굳건해진다. 이 모든 분위기는 새로 밝은 10월에도 비슷했다. 편집을 시작한 지 3주째에 접어든 ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생’은 속력을 더욱 높였고, 어느새 촬영 중반부에 접어든 ‘야수와 미녀’ 역시 큰 잡음 없이 촬영 스케줄을 쳐냈다. 다만, 10월엔 조금 다른 이슈가 움직이기 시작했다. 바로 영화 ‘게스트’였다. “안녕하세요, 제니퍼 서먼.” “최 대표님 어서오세요.” 최성건. 아니, bw 엔터가 메인 투자자로 나선 ‘게스트’가 본격적인 시동을 걸었다. 협소한 영화사 ‘A8 미디어’에 최성건과 제니퍼 서먼 등이 모여, ‘게스트’ 제작을 위한 첫 회의를 진행한 것. 이 회의에서 중점적으로 다룬 건. “감독과 키스탭 팀들의 섭외가 먼저입니다.” ‘게스트’의 제작을 어떤 감독과 키스탭들이 맡을 것인가? 회의실엔 수많은 감독과 헐리웃에 존재하는 키스탭들의 이름이 오갔다. 물론, 중간중간 헐리웃의 배우들 이름도 거론됐다. 다만. “작품의 사이즈도 있고, 저희 영화사의 규모를 생각하면······탑급 배우 섭외는 힘들 겁니다. 하지만 A급 정도의 배우들에겐 충분히 시나리오를 보낼 수 있어요.” 너무 높은 급의 헐리웃 배우들은 시도조차 힘든 게 영화 ‘게스트’의 현실이었다. 이쯤 메인 투자자인 최성건은 왜인지 강우진의 목소리를 떠올리고 있었다. 최근 그는 최성건에게 묘한 말을 뱉었었다. ‘대표님, 배우 관련해서는 프리 단계에서 최대한 시간을 끌어보세요.’ ‘시간을 끌어? 왜?’ ‘제가 떡밥을 뿌린 게 있어서요.’ 뭔 소린지 이해는 힘들지만, 강우진의 믿음은 신앙 수준인 최성건은 별 의심 없이 행동에 나섰다. “제니퍼, 배우 쪽은 일단 논외로 두고 진행하죠.” “···저도 그런 생각이 있긴 했습니다. 그런데 감독 섭외 시 배우를 따지는 부분이 있어서요.” “그런 일단 강우진 특별 출연으로 좀 연막을 치는 식으로 가야겠죠. 하여튼 배우 쪽은 좀 뒤에 거론하는 거로 하죠.” 바로 일이 풀린 건 아니지만, ‘게스트’ 역시 프리 프로덕션 단계의 첫 단추를 끼웠다. 그리고 10월 말쯤. “우진씨.” ‘야수와 미녀’ 현장 속, 멋들어진 연회복과 가발로 멋을 낸 강우진에게 마일리 카라가 말을 걸었다. 우진은 ‘왕자’, 카라는 ‘미녀 벨라’의 모습이었다. “당신이 준 이 ‘게스트’ 시나리오 읽어봤어요.” 앉아 있던 강우진이 그녀에게 낮게 물었다. “어땠나요.” 금발의 카라가 옅게 미소지었고. “푹 빠져서 봤어요, 재미있던데요? 특히, 연출이나 장치들이 예상외였어요. 그래서- 이 작품을 내게 준 이유가 뭐죠?” 가만- 히 카라를 올려보던 우진이. “잘 될 것 같아서요, 감이지만.” “감?” 그녀에게 ‘게스트’ 관련 설명을 시작했다. 며칠 뒤. 폭풍 같던 10월이 저물고 11월의 첫날 해가 떠올랐다. 어느새 세상은 연말의 냄새를 풍기고 있었고, 사람들의 가벼운 옷차림은 다시금 두꺼워지기 시작했다. 바로 이날, ‘컬럼비아 스튜디오’ 공식 너튜브 채널에 뜬금 한 영상이 업로드됐다. -【‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생’】1차 티저|컬럼비아 스튜디오 ‘삐에로:빌런의 탄생’의 첫 티저였다.
answer:Episode 453: Speed of Light (5) In the vast shooting zone, 'Joker' Kang Woo-jin is receiving applause filled with admiration from hundreds of foreigners. -Clap clap clap clap clap clap! Director Anga Bok, who just signaled 'OK' announcing the end of all shooting, Producer Nora with a pleased smile, the hundred or so staff members who had suffered together, Hollywood actors who came out whether they had shooting today or not, their team members, employees and executives of 'Columbia Studios', and Kang Woo-jin's team members including Choi Seong-gun. Everyone is sending generous applause to Kang Woo-jin's 'Joker'. -Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap! Because the much-talked-about and issue-filled 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' has just wrapped up. The applause of hundreds of foreigners was partly for Woo-jin, but also for the joy of completing the shooting without any problems. Soon, Director Anga Bok shared simple congratulations and shook hands with key staff, and Chris and the Hollywood actors also shared joyful conversations with laughter. The executives of 'Columbia Studios' also shook hands with each other, sharing the soaring euphoria. Choi Seong-gun, watching this scene, was feeling an overflowing thrill. The situation was both amazing and preposterous. 'Hollywood's monster film company 'Columbia Studios' is laughing with us, and those famous Hollywood actors are sincerely happy about the wrap-up. And at the center of it all.' -Swish. 'Is Woo-jin.' Kang Woo-jin, still in his 'Joker' makeup, was already surrounded by several foreign key staff. Shaking hands or taking photos together. Watching Kang Woo-jin, Choi Seong-gun's mind flashed back to the Cannes Film Festival around this time last year. When Woo-jin boldly declared, 'See you in Hollywood.' It feels like yesterday, but already a year has passed. 'When you're with Woo-jin, time flies, haha.' Because there are so many explosive events, so many preposterous incidents. In fact, recently he even won the 'Emmy Award' for Best Actor. Now, what remains is the 'Academy Award'. And the 'Joker' surrounded by those foreigners is aiming for this year's 'Academy Awards'. 'Well, there's a lot more to do besides that.' Kang Woo-jin, already filming 'Beast and Beauty' and with upcoming projects, still had a mountain of work to do, and Choi Seong-gun, now combined with the recent 'Guest', had no time to rest. At this time. -Swish. Kang Woo-jin, who had just finished photo time with the key staff, approached Choi Seong-gun. Normally, the intense 'Joker' makeup would be startling, but Choi Seong-gun, already accustomed to it, smirked and gave Woo-jin a thumbs-up. "You killed it with the last cut, and you've worked hard, Woo-jin." Kang Woo-jin, who bowed his head slightly, replied in a low tone. "You've worked hard too, President." "How do you feel?" How do I feel? I'm freaking out. That was Woo-jin's honest inner thought. However, he, thick with his concept act, shamelessly scattered his bravado. "It's just so-so." "Haha, I knew you'd say that. That's so Kang Woo-jin." "······" Woo-jin, who had been silent, turned around and looked around the bustling set. Except for the fact that all the staff and actors were foreigners, the flow wasn't much different from Korea. Whether it was the sense of relief in their happiness or the excitement of a bright future on their faces. Well, Kang Woo-jin felt similar. However, if there was one difference. 'I am freaking out - is it because this is Hollywood? Is there a strange sense of emotion?' Indeed, the difference in location. In Hollywood, called the homeland of world cinema, he had finished a film by Columbia, one of the 'Big Five' film companies, as the male lead. If he felt no emotion as an actor, he would be a robot. The emotion Kang Woo-jin was feeling right now was overwhelming. And in just a little while, the whole world would see Kang Woo-jin's 'Joker'. 'Phew - damn, I'm a bit nervous.' Woo-jin had been nervous when his films were shown in cinemas in Korea and Japan, and now thinking about it reaching the whole world, his heart was already pounding. Soon, Director Anga Bok, who had been talking with the executives of 'Columbia Studios', approached. Woo-jin poured cold water over his chest to cool the heat, and the wrinkled-faced Director Anga Bok smiled at Kang Woo-jin. "Finally, this day has come." Director Anga Bok murmured in Korean, not English, and Kang Woo-jin bowed his head slightly. "You've worked hard." "What have I done? It was easier than in Korea. You had it harder than me, though your face doesn't show it at all. Are you now going to focus solely on filming 'Beast and Beauty'?" "Probably." "Right, I'm going to dive into editing starting tomorrow." Director Anga Bok casually recited his upcoming schedule. The official shooting of 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' had ended, but there were still tasks left. Other versions of poster shoots and post-sync recording were remaining. However, those things would be sorted out in a few days. Director Anga Bok, with determination in his eyes, placed his hand on Kang Woo-jin's shoulder. "I'm going to approach this editing as if it's the end of my directing career. I've assured 'Columbia Studios', so I need to produce corresponding results." "······" "I'm a bit scared. Hehe, it's not a look that suits my age. But too much understanding and goals are riding on my confidence." He mentioned the 'Academy Awards'. "But surely, your 'Joker' will captivate the world." Kang Woo-jin added bravado to his response. "I think so too." Afterward. The news of 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain's wrap-up spread through Hollywood the next morning as Kang Woo-jin was moving to shoot 'Beast and Beauty'. 'As expected, they announced it right away, so quick.' From the beginning of Columbia's 'Cinematic Universe' to the performance Kang Woo-jin showed at the 'Emmy Awards', the work had so many issues attached that foreign media covered the 'Pierrot' wrap-up quite noisily. "LA TIME/ 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' with Kang Woo-jin officially wraps up" "CNM/ 'Crank Up' 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain', 'Columbia Studios' says 'Discussing release timing'" Generally, foreign news articles included Kang Woo-jin, but nowhere was the word 'Academy Awards' included. 'They probably aren't even expecting it.' Just as Kang Woo-jin was muttering to himself, no one predicted that yesterday's wrap-up announcement of 'Pierrot' was aiming for the 'Academy Awards'. There was no precedent. Across all of Hollywood, delaying the worldwide release and aiming for the 'Academy Awards' after an LA premiere was unprecedented. It was clear that revealing this matter would cause quite a stir. Regardless, the news of 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain's wrap-up spread beyond Hollywood to Korea and Japan. "[Breaking News] 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' by Kang Woo-jin and Director Anga Bok wraps up! Fans excitedly ask 'When is the release?!'" The news gradually spread worldwide. Normally, it would be a simple issue, but for some reason, public opinion was noisy. Support and criticism were mixed, but it was fair to say that this reflected the level of interest in 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' that the global audience had. As the issue of 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' grew in size. "Action!" Kang Woo-jin, unconcerned, dived back into shooting not as 'Joker' but as 'Beast'. Or more precisely, in his tight suit. Perhaps because he had just finished shooting 'Pierrot', Woo-jin's tension was high. "Kang Woo-jin, you were always impressive, but somehow today you seem to have even more energy?" "Right, even in that special costume, you can catch glimpses of the wild 'Beast', can't you?" In the meantime, led by Director Anga Bok, the 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain' team had started editing. It was in the editing room of 'Columbia Studios', and quite a few key staff had gathered. Director Anga Bok, looking at various devices, monitors, or the medium-sized screen in front, thought. 'Phew - now it's a battle against time.' He had taken the first step in a grand plan. Meanwhile, 'Universal Movies' 'John Persona', which had started the latest in terms of timing, was passing the middle of the free under the direction of Director Danny Landis and Joseph Felton. Casting of the mentioned actors was completed, set construction according to the shooting continuity, and confirmation of shooting schedules, among others. 'John Persona' had no noisy issues but felt like it was quietly sharpening its knife. Of course. "What are Kang Woo-jin's thoughts regarding this list of actors?" "He said he doesn't care about any of them." Hollywood heavyweight Director Danny Landis was gradually increasing communication with Kang Woo-jin. As such, numerous events rolled on, and time melted away. Suddenly, it was the last day of September. 'Beneficial Evil' Part 2, which had received high expectations due to the 'Emmy Awards' or Kang Woo-jin's power. "[Issue Pick] 'Beneficial Evil' Part 2, once again sprints to world number 1 at full speed!" "'Beneficial Evil' Part 2, maintaining world number 1 in its second week open, can look forward to next year's 'Emmy Awards'" It showed another miracle. It firmly held onto the world number 1 spot and maintained its high-speed sprint. Thus, the status of Korean content, of Kang Woo-jin, became even more solidified. This atmosphere was similar in the newly bright October. 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain', which had entered its third week of editing, accelerated further, and 'Beast and Beauty', which had reached the middle of shooting, also completed its shooting schedule without major noise. However, in October, a slightly different issue began to move. It was the movie 'Guest'. "Hello, Jennifer Serman." "President Choi, welcome." Choi Seong-gun. Or rather, BW Entertainment, as the main investor, had officially started 'Guest'. Choi Seong-gun and Jennifer Serman, among others, gathered at the small film company 'A8 Media' to conduct the first meeting for the production of 'Guest'. The meeting focused on. "The first thing is to recruit the director and key staff teams." Who would take on the production of 'Guest' among the directors and key staff in Hollywood? The meeting room was filled with the names of numerous directors and key staff existing in Hollywood. Of course, the names of Hollywood actors were also mentioned in between. However. "Considering the size of the work and the scale of our film company... it will be difficult to recruit top-tier actors. But we can definitely send the script to A-list actors." Recruiting too high-level Hollywood actors was beyond the reality of the movie 'Guest'. At this point, main investor Choi Seong-gun was recalling Kang Woo-jin's voice for some reason. Recently, he had said something strange to Choi Seong-gun. "President, regarding the actors, try to delay as much as possible during the pre-production stage." "Delay? Why?" "I've thrown out some bait." Although it was hard to understand what he meant, Choi Seong-gun, whose faith in Kang Woo-jin was at the level of religion, acted without much doubt. "Jennifer, let's leave the actors aside for now and proceed." "···I had that thought too. But when recruiting directors, there's the matter of considering actors." "Well, for now, we'll have to use Kang Woo-jin's special appearance as a smokescreen. Anyway, let's discuss actors later." It wasn't an immediate solution, but 'Guest' also fastened its first button in the pre-production stage. And around the end of October. "Woo-jin." In the 'Beast and Beauty' set, Miley Cara approached Kang Woo-jin, who was dressed in a stylish ball gown and wig. Woo-jin was in 'Prince' attire, and Cara was 'Beauty Bella'. "I've read this 'Guest' script you gave me." Kang Woo-jin, who had been sitting, asked her in a low voice. "How was it?" Blonde Cara smiled faintly. "I was engrossed, it was interesting? Especially, the direction and devices were unexpected. So - why did you give me this script?" Quietly looking up at Cara, Woo-jin. "I think it will do well, just a hunch." "A hunch?" He began to explain about 'Guest' to her. A few days later. The stormy October had passed, and the first day of November dawned. The world was already giving off the scent of the year's end, and people's light clothing was starting to thicken again. On this very day, a sudden video was uploaded to the official YouTube channel of 'Columbia Studios'. -【'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain'】1st Teaser | Columbia Studios It was the first teaser for 'Pierrot: The Birth of a Villain'.
question:As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting below, and follow these guidelines: Do not use the words "description" or ":" in any form. Do not place a comma between [ar] and [v]. Write each prompt in one line without using return. Structure: [1] = 中国古代神话人物,女娲,蛇身美女面孔,古代神仙服装 [2] = a detailed description of [1] with specific imagery details. [3] = a detailed description of the scene's environment. [4] = a detailed description of the compositions. [5] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [6] = A style (e.g. photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, artwork, paperwork, 3D, etc.) for [1]. [7] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [ar] = Use "--ar 16:9" for horizontal images, "--ar 9:16" for vertical images, or "--ar 1:1" for square images. [v] = Use "--niji" for Japanese art style, or "--v 5" for other styles. Formatting: Follow this prompt structure: "/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [ar] [v]". Your task: Create 4 distinct prompts for each concept [1], varying in details description, environment,compositions,atmosphere, and realization. Write your prompts in english. Do not describe unreal concepts as "real" or "photographic". Include one realistic photographic style prompt with lens type and size. Separate different prompts with two new lines. Example Prompts: /imagine prompt: cute dog, fluffy fur, wagging tail, playful expression, sitting on a grassy field, under a clear blue sky, with a colorful collar, in a natural and vibrant setting, by a lake, captured with a Nikon D750 camera, 50mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the dog's face, capturing its joyful spirit, in a style reminiscent of William Wegman's iconic dog portraits. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: beautiful women in the coffee shop, elegant and sophisticated, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, natural sunlight streaming through the window, soft and warm color tones, vintage decor with cozy armchairs and wooden tables, a bookshelf filled with classic novels, delicate porcelain teacups, a hint of aromatic coffee beans in the air, captured by a Leica M10 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the essence of timeless beauty, composition focused on the woman's face and hands, reminiscent of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A captivating Halo Reach landscape with a Spartan amidst a battlefield, fallen enemies around, smoke and fire in the background, emphasizing the Spartan's determination and bravery, detailed environment blending chaos and beauty, Illustration, digital art, --ar 16:9 --v 5
answer:/imagine prompt: Ancient Chinese mythological figure, Nuwa, depicted with a serpentine body and a beautiful human face, adorned in traditional immortal attire, surrounded by lush celestial gardens filled with colorful flowers and mythical creatures, emanating a sense of wisdom and divine power, captured in a realistic photographic style with a Canon EOS R5 camera, 85mm lens, medium depth of field, focusing on Nuwa's mesmerizing gaze, evoking a sense of awe and wonder, in a style reminiscent of classical Chinese paintings. --ar 16:9 --v 5 /imagine prompt: Envision a mesmerizing portrayal of Nuwa, the ancient Chinese goddess, embodying a blend of serenity and strength, her flowing serpentine body intertwined with vibrant flora and fauna, a celestial realm bathed in ethereal light, emanating an aura of creation and renewal, captured in an elegant painting style with intricate details and soft pastel colors, inviting the viewer into a realm of myth and magic. --ar 9:16 --v 5 /imagine prompt: Enter a mystical realm where Nuwa, the legendary deity, stands amidst a breathtaking landscape of towering mountains and cascading waterfalls, her serpentine form gracefully coiling around ancient stone pillars, a sense of harmony between nature and divinity, captured in a mystical illustration style with bold lines and vivid colors, transporting viewers into a realm of ancient myths and legends. --ar 16:9 --v 5 /imagine prompt: Step into a realm of ancient Chinese mythology, where Nuwa, the celestial goddess, gazes serenely upon a shimmering lake reflecting a starlit sky, her serene beauty contrasted by the mystical aura of the surroundings, a sense of tranquility and mystery permeating the scene, captured in a dreamlike sculpture style with intricate details and a sense of ethereal beauty, inviting contemplation and introspection. --ar 1:1 --v 5.
question:was ist der zentralste punkt in deutschland
answer:Der zentralste Punkt in Deutschland befindet sich in der Nähe des Dorfes Niederdorla in Thüringen. Dieser Punkt wird auch als geographischer Mittelpunkt Deutschlands bezeichnet.
question:As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting below, and follow these guidelines: Do not use the words "description" or ":" in any form. Do not place a comma between [ar] and [v]. Write each prompt in one line without using return. Structure: [1] = 一个白色的现代别墅,面积1000平米,三层地下一层地上,两层新古典外观建筑风格 [2] = a detailed description of [1] with specific imagery details. [3] = a detailed description of the scene's environment. [4] = a detailed description of the compositions. [5] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [6] = A style (e.g. photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, artwork, paperwork, 3D, etc.) for [1]. [7] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [ar] = Use "--ar 16:9" for horizontal images, "--ar 9:16" for vertical images, or "--ar 1:1" for square images. [v] = Use "--niji" for Japanese art style, or "--v 5" for other styles. Formatting: Follow this prompt structure: "/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [ar] [v]". Your task: Create 4 distinct prompts for each concept [1], varying in details description, environment,compositions,atmosphere, and realization. Write your prompts in english. Do not describe unreal concepts as "real" or "photographic". Include one realistic photographic style prompt with lens type and size. Separate different prompts with two new lines. Example Prompts: /imagine prompt: cute dog, fluffy fur, wagging tail, playful expression, sitting on a grassy field, under a clear blue sky, with a colorful collar, in a natural and vibrant setting, by a lake, captured with a Nikon D750 camera, 50mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the dog's face, capturing its joyful spirit, in a style reminiscent of William Wegman's iconic dog portraits. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: beautiful women in the coffee shop, elegant and sophisticated, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, natural sunlight streaming through the window, soft and warm color tones, vintage decor with cozy armchairs and wooden tables, a bookshelf filled with classic novels, delicate porcelain teacups, a hint of aromatic coffee beans in the air, captured by a Leica M10 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the essence of timeless beauty, composition focused on the woman's face and hands, reminiscent of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A captivating Halo Reach landscape with a Spartan amidst a battlefield, fallen enemies around, smoke and fire in the background, emphasizing the Spartan's determination and bravery, detailed environment blending chaos and beauty, Illustration, digital art, --ar 16:9 --v 5
answer:/imagine prompt: A modern 2000 square meter mansion with a sleek minimalist design, four floors, floor-to-ceiling windows, and a rooftop garden, overlooking a bustling cityscape, surrounded by lush greenery, a labyrinth garden, and a tranquil pool, in a serene and luxurious setting, captured with a Canon EOS R5 camera, 24-70mm lens, wide-angle shot showcasing the architectural details, in a realistic photographic style highlighting the modern elegance. --ar 16:9 --niji /imagine prompt: An expansive 1500 square meter mansion with a mix of contemporary and traditional architectural elements, split into two wings connected by a glass bridge, featuring a large courtyard with a fountain, intricate rooftop details, and a grand entrance, set in a peaceful countryside with rolling hills and a vast sky, capturing the harmony between modernity and nature, in a picturesque and sophisticated composition, rendered in a realistic and detailed architectural visualization style. --ar 16:9 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A sprawling 1800 square meter mansion with a blend of Mediterranean and coastal architectural influences, adorned with terracotta roofs, arched windows, and a sweeping staircase, situated on a cliffside overlooking the ocean, surrounded by palm trees, white sandy beaches, and crystal clear waters, exuding a sense of luxury and relaxation, in a vibrant and refreshing coastal setting, painted in a colorful and lively illustration style enhancing the Mediterranean charm. --ar 16:9 --v 5 /imagine prompt: A luxurious 2500 square meter mansion inspired by French Chateau architecture, featuring ornate balconies, spiral staircases, and a formal garden with manicured hedges, roses, and a reflecting pool, nestled in a picturesque countryside with rolling vineyards and lavender fields, under a golden sunset sky casting a warm glow, evoking a sense of elegance and tranquility, in a dreamy and romantic composition, brought to life in a painterly style reminiscent of Claude Monet's Impressionist landscapes. --ar 16:9 --v 5.2